May you never discredit how far you have come

May you never discredit how far you have come.

May you never forget all the little ways you’ve grown.

May you always remember how you have already taken
millions of breaths in this life, and that is progress all on its own.

May you travel like a river toward the end of August,
embracing the flow in a mindful way.

May you journey into September
knowing you are free to pace yourself each day.

And with every inhale and exhale you take,
may you keep finding rhythms for making it through.

And with every new mountain you face,
may you remember the lessons of the earlier mountains
behind you.

For perhaps, after everything,
you are more prepared than you think.
And you will only continue
to gather wisdom and courage
at every place on this journey.

May your hope for the future continue to rise
with the rising of each new day's morning sun.

May you never forget all it took just to be here.
May you never discredit how you have come.


Printable Activity Sheets and Coloring Pages by MHN


words to repeat yourself at the end of July