Keeping watering these seeds

Let this be the season where
you keep watering
the good seeds
you've already sown.

These seeds of love,
courage, and peace
matter more than you know.

For maybe the good seeds you sow
are not isolated events,
but small seeds
slowly blooming
throughout the garden of your life.

And the small good seeds you sow might be like the smallest thing:

A moment when you ask for what you need,
even though, in the past,
you may have backed down
or told yourself it didn't matter.

A moment when you choose to talk about
how something actually made you feel,
when in the past, you may have just said, "It's fine".

A moment when you realize that you needed
to allow yourself to feel what you need to feel,
and take the time you need to heal.

A moment when you take the time to
do something for yourself, when in the past,
you would've told yourself you didn't deserve it yet.

A moment you chose to prioritize your mental health,
opting to slow down and rest,
even though a few years ago,
you would have pushed relentlessly forward.

A moment when you acted on love,
A moment when you practiced breathing deeply,
A moment when you noticed how, even in the smallest way,
there is room for healing, growing, becoming.

Even if it was just one moment
or a series of small moments,
and whether or not the outcome of that moment
was what you hoped it would be,
it doesn't take away from the fact that you are still on the journey,
learning to name your needs,
learning when to say "yes," when to say "no,"
and learning to breathe deep through it all.

The growth may not happen all at once,
but just like a garden,
the small efforts
you make each day are not isolated events
even if no one else seems to notice them,
and even if it takes you time to see how it’s all connected.

Remember what gardeners know…
Taking time to learn
how to cultivate and nurture this space,
Taking time to learn what works
and what doesn't — it matters.
It won't be easy,
but the time you are spending here matters.
There will be days when the sun is too bright,
and days when the rain pours
longer, harder, sooner, or later than expected,
and at the same time,
there will be moments when you remember:
you are learning to make room for new seeds,
and you are also learning to water
the ones you have already sown,
You are learning what it means
to breathe deeply and in a million little ways.
You are learning what it means to grow.


Click below for the wallpapers!

Click here for my app, Storyteller (even more wallpapers)!


words to repeat yourself at the end of July


if july