Making meaningful connections can look different in different spaces within life.

Sometimes, making meaningful connections will look like getting closer to people already in your life; other times, it will look like slowly getting to know someone new.

Sometimes, making meaningful connections will not be person-specific at all:

You might connect the dots between two different fields in the work you do, uncovering new insights. You might connect your emotions to artistic expression, or you might realize a series of experiences is connected to your growth.

There's no "one way" of making meaningful connections here. What matters is being present to the unfolding experiences and the lessons they hold—the potential for shared moments or new perspectives.

Oftentimes, the word "connection" gets quickly associated with the over-connected nature of modern life. It can be challenging at times when such a significant concept as "connection" has to share the same word with something that may drain or overwhelm us.

So let this be a little reminder to stay open to the possibility of meaningful connections in our life right now: nurture them, cherish them, and let them enrich your journey, even in small ways.